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Does there have to be Holy Communion at a Catholic wedding
On One Hand: Rite of Marriage Within a Nuptial MassTwo Catholics should normally be married during a Nuptial Mass, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. An element of the Mass includes the dispensing of Holy Communion to the couple and to all eligible churchgoers. The only time that Communion is served at a Catholic wedding is where the Rite of Marriage takes place during a Nuptial Mass.
On the Other: Rite of Marriage Without a Nuptial MassThere cannot be
bridesmaiddressestop Communion at a Catholic wedding without a Nuptial Mass. Church law states that there cannot be a Nuptial Mass when a Catholic marries a non-Catholic, unless there is special permission granted. Without special permission, the couple can only participate in the Rite of Marriage ceremony and no Communion is served. Another instance when there cannot be a Mass is when a deacon or someone other than a priest leads the liturgy, even if the wedding consists of two Catholics marrying.
Bottom LineThere does not have to be Holy Communion at a Catholic
Prom Dresses UK wedding. Communion is only served at Catholic weddings where the Rite of Marriage ceremony takes place during a Nuptial Mass.
Source:United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage
For Your Marriage: Options for the Wedding Liturgy
More Information:New Advent: The Catholic Encyclopedia
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